Dental Marketing Ideas

Dental Marketing Ideas

For the longest time most dental practices could sustain on word of mouth referrals alone. With a heavily saturated market, too many insurances to keep track of, and new advancements to dental. It can be almost impossible to set yourself apart from the competition. When radio and newspaper ads are getting you nowhere, what’s the best way to get your business recognized? I’ve been at the ground floor helping growing businesses increase their SEO marketing and customer engagement. In this article I want to share some free dental marketing ideas that will boost your business and help get in that next patient!

Dental Marketing Ideas

Listing Websites

Listing platformers such as, Yelp, and the Better Business Bureau can help increase exposure. These websites offer a platform to advertise your business while receiving backlinks to your company website. The ability to leave reviews on these websites helps give exposure to your practice, and also helps show the relevancy and engagement of your business. specializes in helping patients connect with local dentist offices. Listing on our platform allows patients to find your practice through proximity, relevant insurances, procedures, as well as availability. Those who want to help boost their visibility as well can sign up for a premium membership, premium will help your business rank much higher in search results and allow you tools to modify your companies presence.

Your dental office might even already be up on our platform!

If so you can claim your listing by following this link

If you’re looking to list your office with us you can do so at

Social Media

As frivolous as it may feel sometimes, enhancing your social media presence is still an important step in increasing exposure. Name recognition goes a long way in getting people to reach out and start a relationship with your business. One of the ways you can help drive exposure for your practice is by holding contests/giveaways on social media. Campaigns like this can help drive up engagement almost immediately. Contests come in many shapes and forms, from voting contests that affect small parts of the business, photo contests, caption contests, and giveaway. Contests are a cheap way of driving engagement on posts without breaking the bank.

Though it’s not exactly social media, putting your name up on the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) is also a good way of getting customers. Patients can search for dentists on their platform through a number of different criteria here

Google Business

Another resource you can use for free dental marketing that might seem obvious is Google. A study done by Impression stated that 83.49% of search engine users opt to use google over any other service. By keeping your google business profile up to date with hours, location, and any new services offered. You help show patients that you’re an active practice that cares about their image and presence. You can list your business on Google Maps by going to This is one of the most important things you can do to increase your online presence, most people won’t think twice if they can’t initially find your practice on google. 

Google does also offer paid options to increase exposure of your practice. They offer Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns that will prioritize your company/website when certain google searches are performed. PPC campaigns are a sure way of getting traffic to your website, but can definitely be pricey. As a Dental marketing idea it’s worth not ruling out, if you’re looking to see how much a PPC campaign would cost for your business you can check out there link here.

Google also offers a set of tools you can use to track the popularity and health of your website as seen below.

Google Analytics

Mailing Campaign

Though it may seem old fashioned at this point, never overlook the power of a mailing campaign as part of your dental marketing ideas. Our emails, text messages, and online ad spaces are constantly updating with new advertisements every hour. Mailing campaigns are relatively inexpensive and allow you to highlight specific information that might be overlooked by your patients. You’d be surprised the amount of value some individuals place in receiving something in the mail. Having a physical reference for your business can help put your practice at the top of their mind. 

Giving Back

Not only is it a good thing to do, but giving back to the community is a great way of getting some exposure while obtaining new potential clients. Offering things like free cleanings to those without insurance, complimentary dental screenings, handing out free branded products, or really doing anything selfless for the community helps leave a lasting impression. Partnering with local schools and non-profit organizations can help advertise these charities. Events like this usually garner local media attention, not to mention those people who you’ve helped might recommend or use your services later!



While putting time and money into your business can help increase sales. It’s important that you’re properly tracking what sort of impact these dental marketing campaigns are actually having for your business. I recommend using AHREFS to track website activity. This includes everything from organic traffic to keyword relevancy and backlink efficiency. 

Forestream graph for dental marketing
Backlink Ranking


In my experience there’s no one sure way to get more patients for your dental business. Advertising is something you work through with trial and error until you find what works. Considering location, the size of your business, and the type of work your practice handles are all vital when deciding where to breach the market. If one avenue doesn’t work out it’s important not to get discouraged. There’s always going to be a need for dental professionals!

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