Provider Data
General US Census demographics
Zip Code:60423
Income Per Household:$123,776
Median Age:42.5
Persons Per Household:2.91 Traffic History
Estimated Monthly Users:431 Data
These statistics are specifically pulled from the Dentist Offices Platform
Total Providers In Zip:17
Claimed Providers In Zip:3
Top Position Traffic Share:30%
Top Position Traffic:130
Race Data
Race demographics from the US Census
Income Chart
Nearby Zipcodes
Top Ranking Providers
These are the top 3 providers by provider score & recent activity
Burke Orthodontics
10343 W Lincoln Hwy
Frankfort, UT 60423
Onik Family Dental
640 Bankview Dr
Frankfort, IL 60423
Frankfort Smile Design
10085 W Lincoln Hwy
Frankfort, IL 60423
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