Provider Data
General US Census demographics
Zip Code:20678
Income Per Household:$109,474
Median Age:39.3
Persons Per Household:2.77 Traffic History
Estimated Monthly Users:107 Data
These statistics are specifically pulled from the Dentist Offices Platform
Total Providers In Zip:16
Claimed Providers In Zip:3
Top Position Traffic Share:21%
Top Position Traffic:22
Race Data
Race demographics from the US Census
Income Chart
Nearby Zipcodes
Top Ranking Providers
These are the top 3 providers by provider score & recent activity
Endodontic Associates
995 Prince Frederick Blvd
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Southern Maryland Oral Surgery Associates
995 Prince Frederick Blvd
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
King Centre Dental
5695 King Centre Dental
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
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